Monday, January 5, 2009

Do I really "love"?

For the past few days I have been reading, rereading, and thinking about 1 Corintians 13:1-13. WOW! The most inspiring, yet convicting, section of scriptures in the Bible! When I read about what love is I am so convicted because I can't even live this out with my immediate family members, and I "love" them more than I "love" anyone else. I do love the fact that love is what is most important. Paul makes it plain and clear that nothing else matters in this life, NOTHING! And, in the end, the only thing any of us has is love. I also remember that God is love and it gives me great comfort to know that this is the way God loves me. The proof of this love is in all the many earthly blessings He's given me, but most importantly, in His giving me Christ. I now have the chance to spend forever with him, and to not be punished for all the many sins I have committed and continue to commit.


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