Monday, August 31, 2009

Dealing with Xbox Live update #1

So, this is an interesting twist: My 11 year old son, Hunter, decided to try playing his game on Xbox Live, and he is somehow getting Xbox Live for free. I don't know if maybe Microsoft is giving him Live for free because we are in dispute, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. The strange thing is that Xbox Live Support has all my other son's information, not Hunter's. So, I don't really know why or how Hunter is getting Live access. I even checked my credit card to make sure he hadn't "accidentally" purchased a month or something, and there is nothing there. Hunter, of course is extremely happy! He has actually saved up enough money to purchase a few months of Live, and has been begging for me to sign him up again, but I won't let him because I want to see how this dispute gets resolved first. And the saga continues...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Okay, so I am taking a complete left turn in my blog, and as you can see, I haven't blogged in a very long time!

I decided to keep track of all this XBOX LIVE trouble on this blog, mainly for my own sanity (It's all getting blurry at this point!) and to maybe get a little help from anyone else who might have gone through this same thing.

So, here's the story, and it's a LONG one!

After working for serveral months, my 11 year old son Hunter saved up $180.00 to pay for his half of an Xbox 360. I took both him and my 18 year old son, Cody(he had the other half of the money) to purchase an Xbox 360, an additional controller, and 1 game. Their total price was $434.57.

Hunter actually beats his one and only brand new Xbox game in one hour! That same day Hunter signed up for the free month trial of Xbox Live Gold. When he went to play his new game live, he kept getting an error message. A few days later I decided to call Xbox Tech Support to see what the problem was. The tech said to take the game to a friends house that had an Xbox 360 and Xbox Live. If the game worked correctly at the friends house, then we needed a new Xbox 360 console. If the game did not work correctly, then we needed a new game.

We went to a friends to celebrate 4th of July. They have Xbox Live. Hunter tried his game at their house and it worked just fine.

We packed up the entire Xbox 360 and took it back to the store. We were given a new Xbox 360 and we purchased the 2 year "Buyer Protection Plan" for an additional $39.99. We came home, hooked up the new console and tried the game. Guess what, it still did not work!

Back to the store again to exchange the original game for a new one. Yeah!! We now have a game that you can play on Xbox Live. Now that it works, Cody has decided to get his own Xbox Live "Gamer Tag" and play online, also.

Hunter informs me that there are places his Xbox Live friends can go but he can't because he needs to purchase "map packs". Are you kidding me??!! You just spent $59.99 plus tax on this game and now you need to spend additional money on it?! For $59.99 it should come with everything! But, it's his money not mine, so I decide to let him make the purchase. We are all new to all this, so he shows me how to plug in my credit card number. The "map pack" he wants is 800 Microsoft Points. They sell only 1000 Points for $12.99. Hunter gives me the $13 in cash and I charge the $12.99 to my credit card. Now he has the new "map pack" and 200 unused Points. Cody then goes to play after Hunter, not knowing he has downloaded a "map pack". He asks Hunter how he got to that "new" place. Hunter tells Cody he downloaded a map pack. Cody then asks me how to download stuff. I'm thinking, why can't they share? Well, apparently, two separate Xbox Live accounts need to each download their own stuff. In the meantime, I have done a little research and saw that I can get Microsoft Points cheaper on Ebay than through the Xbox Live Marketplace. So, I tell Cody to buy the points through Ebay and then buy the map pack. Hunter had "map pack 2" and Cody then purchases "map pack 1" and "map pack 2".

Hunter saves up more money and wants to download "map pack 3". He actually does this without my permission! He decided on his own to purchase additional Microsoft Points through the Xbox Live Marketplace using my credit card information that I did not realize is stored in his account for ready use! He gave me the cash, but I told him he could never do that again. I explained to him that I could have saved him quite a bit of money by getting the Points from Ebay.

Hunter's free month trial of Xbox Live Gold has now expired but he does not have any more money to purchase additional months.

Cody's Gold membership expires but he purchases 3 additional months through the Marketplace using his own credit card. Occasionally he allows Hunter to use his "Gamer Tag" so Hunter can play online, also.

Cody is very excited because he "suddenly" is able to use the "map pack 3" that Hunter had downloaded. I find this odd and begin to think something is wrong. I decide to call Xbox Tech support again. I expain to the agent that I am very confused about all the charges for two boys to play one game on a console that they both share. I tell her that I pay ONE fee for cable TV in my home and everyone is allowed to use it. I tell her I don't have to pay for each person in my house to use the internet or have their own e-mail address. I pay only ONE fee and everyone uses it. I also only pay ONE fee for the telephone! She explains to me that the boys can share ONE "gamer tag" and pay only one fee, but if they want separate ones, it is separate fees. Well, I am sorry, but an 11 year old CAN NOT share a "gamer tag" with an 18 year old! I might as well let my 11 year old see R rated movies and such. She also informs me that they don't need to purchase the downloads separately. Only one download needs to be purchased and it can be shared. Well, we did not know this! Of course, I then tell her I would like a refund of the points we paid for the "map pack 2" that both my sons paid to download. She, VERY NICELY, informs me that they do not allow refunds on downloaded content. She can not issue a refund. I ask to speak to her supervisor or someone who CAN issue a refund. I am placed on hold and a supervisor(at least I am told he is a supervisor) is put on the line. I then have to explain the entire situation to him. He tells me that when my other son could not play the downloaded content we should have called Tech Support, not download it again. I told him we did not know he could even play it and did not know there was an issue or I surely would have called Tech Support. I had already called Tech Support before and have no probelm doing so. I told him it was his employee who just informed they could share. He then informs that no refunds can be given on downloaded content. I then ask to speak to his supervisor. I am again put on hold. He comes back on the line and tells me my issue has been sent to a "Resolution Specialist" and I will be getting a call back within 24 hours. I am then given a "reference number" for my case. I hang up and immediatly look at the phone and see that I have spent 78 minutes on the line with Xbox Tech Support! Unbelievable!

Of course, there is NO call back from Xbox Tech Support!

I call Xbox back myself. I spend many more minutes re-explaining the problem to a whole new person. I spend 30 minutes talking to various people to finally be told that my case is still in the "resolution" department and no decision has been made. I am told it will take 3 to 5 days. I then ask why I was told 24 hours at the first phone call. He did not know why the other tech had told me this.

Xbox Tech Support calls me at home and leaves a message. I was not home at the time. This is basically the message: "Hello Mrs. Farenga, this is so-and so from Xbox calling. Please call us back at 800-4MY-XBOX and have this reference number ready. Have a good day."

I call Xbox Tech Support back. I give them my reference number. I am asked my first name, last name, who the account is under(which they are using Cody's info for some reason), the "Gamer Tag" name, the phone number, the address, the e-mail address, and the last 4 digits of the credit card used on the account. Oh, and the answer to Cody's "secret question". After all this I am told there is no additional information and the case is still pending in "resolution". I then asked why I was left a message to call back if there was nothing to tell me. He told me that I was probably given a call to "update" me. Okay, I ask what the "update" is. The update is that they are still working on it! Another 15 or 20 minutes of my time given to Xbox! At this point it is now out of principal that I have decided to pursue this any further. I am sure many other customers have just said "forget it!".

I am left another message, much like the first one, only this time it was an actual "Resolution Specialist" who left the message! Yeah! I call back as soon as I get this message. I again have to explain the entire situation to a new person. I give the "reference number" and am asked the same 20 questions. She then informs that my case is still pending. WHAT?? Why am I asked to call back if nothing has happened. I inform her I am only calling because a "Resolution Specialist" left me a message to call back. If there was nothing to tell me, then why am I told to call back? I am put on hold again and then informed that I will be transferred to a "Resolution Specialist". I am put on hold and I actually get DISCONNECTED!!! Mind you this entire time I am on my cell phone. I made the call at my house, I am now at the store picking up cupcakes for my sons birthday. I now call back and I immediately tell the person that I was on hold for a "Resolution Specialist" and I was disconnected. She wants me to explain everything to her. I refuse and tell her I just want to speak to the "specialist" because I have already explained everything to someone else. I tell her I have a "reference number". She then wants the number so she can see if she can help me herself. I tell her she can not help me but I give her the number. Again, the 20 questions! I am put on hold and transferred to someone else. This person wants me to answer all the same 20 questions. I ask if I really have to do that again, as I had just done it with the other person. He asks just for the "Gamer Tag". He then wants me to explain the situation. "Can't you just read all about it on your monitor? I've explained this problem so many times I'm getting confused!" He reads about it and then tells me it is still pending! OMG!!! I then ask him how am going to know when I REALLY need to call back to get NEW information if I am just left random messages to call back? He didn't have an answer. He told me there was nothing that could be done because they don't refund points for Downloaded content. I tell him that SOMEONE can do SOMETHING or my case would not have been sent to a "Resolution Specialist". He did say that, yes, someone could if that is what is decided, but since it is still pending, nothing can be done. I then give him my cell phone number and tell him to make sure I am called back on that number if there is no answer at my other number. I am now back at home after having left the store, gone to my sons school to drop off the cupcakes, and run into the post office to mail a package! Another 30 or 45 minutes!

So, there you have it! My Xbox Live nightmare! And it isn't even over! Good luck to me, right?