Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I saw God!

"~since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." ~Romans 1:19-20

I have always loved to go to the beach and look out at the beautiful blue ocean. I marvel at the sea life and birds flying gracefully. I enjoy searching for the perfect seashell and seeing how unique every shell is. Everytime I go to the beach, I feel God there and I pray to Him and praise His greatness.

In Canada this past week, I took an amazing trip up to the peak of Whistler Mountain and then rode a gondola from the peak of Whistler to the peak of Blackcomb Mountain. This trip boasts the worlds longest and highest freespan gondola ride. Between the peaks was a gaping cravass with a creek running through it. It was the most gorgeous sight I have ever seen. The snow covered the ground and the tree tops. The trees were all wintergreens and full of needles. I even saw birds gliding from tree to tree. The most memorable part of this experience was when the mountain was closing. I happened to get separated from the rest of my family while setting Hunter up on a green snowboarding run, so on the way down the mountain, I was in a gondola all by myself. It was breathtaking! There was complete silence up there. Complete peace. All I could see out the windows were the side of the mountain, the trees and snow, the picturesque and truly quaint Whistler Village at the base, and other mountains far off in the distance. It didn't even seem real to me. I couldn't get my mind to understand that this was real and not a painting! I got to spend far too little time just talking to God and praising Him for what He has made! No one, not even a person who does not believe there is a God, can look at this sight and not be awestruck and amazed! It is a spectacular sight that I am so grateful God allowed me to experience and even worked it out that I would be in a gongola alone, so I could spend time with Him and pray. He was there and I saw Him! He is mighty and beautiful and full of LOVE!